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The Health Method 

3 week plan

What is the Health Method

When traditional medical treatments fail to improve persistent symptoms and conditions it may be because the real root cause hasn't been identified or treated.

Most of the population has been suffering from symptoms for a long time without realising they are not supposed to feel that way and that their symptoms may be connected to their lifestyle, environment or the foods they regularly consume.

The Health Method combines hormonal regulation techniques, stress reduction techniques, nutritional supplementation, environmental factors, lifestyle changes and diet changes to address unwanted conditions in a holistic way.

Removing specific foods from our diet for a certain amount of time is an effective way to help treat the inflammation in our body and hormonal imbalance responsible for many conditions including: migraines, weight gain, digestive issues, sleep issues, skin rashes, joint pain, mood swings, low energy, depression, asthma, hot flashes, menstrual pain, acne among others. 

Until certain foods have been removed it is often impossible for someone to be aware of the connection between their symptoms and the frequent consumption or a specific ingredient, food or group of foods.

Once the body has had some time to heal, the reintroduction phase helps identify and map what specific foods are related to certain symptoms for a that person, helping create a plan for long term health.

When elimination diets are combined with hormonal regulation techniques, stress reduction techniques, nutritional supplementation, an improved environment and lifestyle changes the positive change in otherwise untreatable or non responding health conditions can be extraordinary.

The Health Method will help you to

lower inflaMmation

supPort Gut health

identify food triggers




lower toxins from your environment and diet

promote body and mind awarness

What type of health problems can the The Health Method improve?




  • Anxiety

  • Improve Energy

  • Brain fog

  • Memory Problems

  • Focus problems

  • Weight loss

  • Fatigue

  • Acne

  • Migraines and headaches

  • Gut problems

  • Bloating

  • Diarrea

  • Constipation

  • Sleep Problems

  • Menstrual pain

The Health Method has 4 main pillars





  • What to eat

  • What not to eat

  • Supplements

  • Sleep

  • When to eat

  • Morning routine

  • Evening routine

  • Efective hacks to maintain the body in movement

  • Meditation

  • Breathing

  • Positive thinking + Mindset

  • Hacks

How The Health Method works

An 3 week online program, delivered in pdf form with step by step instructions to reset your body and heal the underlying conditions causing your persistent symptoms.

It also includes a reintroduction program to help you sustain your results after you finish the program and continue to develop a healthier lifestyle.



  • What to eat and what not to eat to reset your body

  • Important supplements and vitamins

  • Reintroduction program and management plan

  • Sleep routines

  • Morning and evening routines

  • Stress management routines

  • Recommended lifestyle changes

  • Access to the 100 clean products (AU only)

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